Job Tracking Summary Charts
Priddis Greens Golf & Country Club
Turf Care Department

The following report highlights the Turf Care Departments labor tracking program. The program was developed to identify how much time and resources are invested into maintaining each specific area of golf course. The information gathered from the program is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Turf Care operations plan. Once the data is compiled we can make sure the resources that are being utilized match the priority given to each area. By cross referencing labor costs and priorities associated with maintaining each specific area of the golf course, we are able to adjust our plans and budgets to ensure resources are being focused on top priorities.
Job tracking hours and statistics were collected daily throughout the golf season by Assistant GC Superintendents of each golf course at Priddis Greens. Each day at the end of the day; each staff’s hours and job tasks are recorded into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that tracks where and how every single person spends there time in our department. At the end of the season all of the numbers were compiled into one file and tabulated. The following tables and graphs are a result of those job tracking records.

2011 Daily Maintenance
The chart above was created by totalling each daily maintenance job that is done each morning. It does not include any cultural practices or fertilization. It is simply the time taken on each course to rake, mow, or cut cups, etc. It is also broken down by each course as shown by the red and blue. There are no hours in the approaches category due to the fact that during the 2012 season we eliminated triplex mowing of approaches and we now mow approaches with fairway mowers. By eliminating triplex mowers on approaches we were able to reduce staff by two for the entire season. Typically, in a morning we will setup 3 - 4 staff on bunker maintenance, 3 staff mowing greens, 1 or 2 staff on Course Set-up and 2 mowing Fairways on a given 18 hole course. This is evident when we are looking at this chart.

*Course detailing includes filling ball washers, fixing ball marks, blowing off cart paths, and any other detail work that is not included in the other basic maintenance categories. 


 2011 Hours Worked Per Month
This chart was compiled by adding up the total hours of every job and separating them by when they occurred. As you can see in this chart, the majority of annual labor on the course occurs May through to the end of August. Typically April labour totals would be higher than what is shown here, but this year the totals for April were severely impacted by the snow that stuck around until late April.

2011 Yearly Totals by Category
This chart was compiled by taking every single task performed over the 2011 season, and categorizing into one of the 5 categories shown above. Anything that could not be categorized into one of those five categories was placed into the miscellaneous category. So for example greens, this would include all of the mowing, watering, fertilizing, and any other practice or time we spent on the greens.

Below is a sample list of some of the jobs that go into each category: 

Total Time Spent on Greens

This chart was created by simply adding up all of the time we spend on greens (mowing, fertilizing, rolling, etc.) and dividing by the two courses. This chart is a bit surprising due to the fact that Hawk Greens are larger in square footage. 

Storm Damage Hours
This year we were able to keep a separate category entitled Storm Damage. Within this category there were a half dozen jobs that kept track of all of the work that would have to be done to repair the golf course after a major weather event had occurred at Priddis Greens. The main time consumer was shown to be fixing bunkers after the major storms that occurred in May and June. Below is a breakdown of the time taken to repair storm damage: 

2012 Projected Totals by Category

Assuming everything stayed the same for next year, except for the creation of two new positions (Bunker Foreman) this is where our job totals will be for next year. Surprisingly, by adding two new people that would work on nothing but bunkers it only changed percentages by 1 or 2%. Of course weather will play the largest role as to where we spend our time, but this is still interesting to see how adding two additional bunker staff will affect our totals. 

*The above report was pasted from a .PDF file into this blog, if anyone would like the original or want more information please contact us at the office.
